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Paul O'Grady

Paul O'Grady

Birthday: 14 June 1955, Birkenhead, Merseyside, England, UK
Birth Name: Paul James O'Grady
Height: 186 cm

Paul James O'Grady was born on 14 June 1955 in Birkenhead, England. He attended Christian Brothers School and, after his graduation, worked as a clerk in a magistrate's court. During that ti ...Show More

Paul O'Grady
The Catholic Church has no right to wag the finger at gay people. How can we respect a church that h Show more The Catholic Church has no right to wag the finger at gay people. How can we respect a church that has encouraged paedophiles by moving them from one parish to another, free to carry on again? Hide
I still consider myself working class. I know my circumstances have changed dramatically since I was Show more I still consider myself working class. I know my circumstances have changed dramatically since I was growing up back in Birkenhead. Now I live in rural Kent in what I suppose people would call a posh house. But it's still in me. Hide
Why aren't the bankers in the dock? The working classes are suffering in this country. They're a jok Show more Why aren't the bankers in the dock? The working classes are suffering in this country. They're a joke in the media - they're portrayed as chavs and rioters. Hide
It's Sheriff-of-Nottingham times: 'What do the working classes eat? Pasties. Let's tax those. Where Show more It's Sheriff-of-Nottingham times: 'What do the working classes eat? Pasties. Let's tax those. Where do they go on their holidays? In static caravans. We'll tax them.' I didn't notice a tax on polo mallets. I loathe Cameron; I loathe Osborne. We didn't vote them in and yet here they are deciding for us. I'd like to see their heads on spikes on Tower Bridge. Seriously. I'd sleep well. Hide
I was sort of, well, I hate the word bisexual, because I think bisexuality's just greed. There's no Show more I was sort of, well, I hate the word bisexual, because I think bisexuality's just greed. There's no such thing, you're either gay or straight. But I've never said, 'Oh, I'm gay.' I always liked girls and fellas as a teenager, way up into my 20s. But my sexuality's never been a problem for me - I've got as many gay friends as I have straight friends. Hide
The working class has taken a real battering over the past few decades, so much so that you can bare Show more The working class has taken a real battering over the past few decades, so much so that you can barely see them. But I have spoken to lots of cab drivers and shop keepers, for instance, who work 14 hours a day and are proud to be called working class. Hide
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